
Many People on internet have heir own blogs/website they need lot of traffic to get revues from their website through Google AdSense, or other affiliate programs.There are many legit and free best ways for promote the website on Google Search Engine.

10 Best Simple ways to promote webiste

10 Best Ways To Promote Website on Google Search Engine

1: Creating High Quality Content 
You can promote your website by creating high quality contents.Your content should by grammatically good and use high quality keywords in your content to gibe it place at the top leve of Google search engine pages.One page of your website should have the minimum of 300 words.

2:Website Submission to Web Directories
You can use different search engine submission and website submission directories to submit your mean links to many of blogs instantly.You can use free submission directories several to promote and get listed to different web directories.It will increase number and target visitors on  your blogs or site.

3:Yahoo Answers
You can also promote your by using yahoo answers.You can give answers different questions at yahoo and it will increase your rating at yahoo.You can paste your site link in your mean answers and people will visit your links.It will give many original visitor in your site.

4: Email Marketing
You can use email marketing for website promoting.You can subscribe to many email feeds to promote your website.They will send everyday email to thousands people with the high content post link of blog/site included in the email.It is also very famous method to promote website on search engine.

5: Social Media
Social media is a big plate from for promoting any thing.You can share posts of your website on the top social media websites.People will follow your post and it will give you number of visitors for your blogs.You should take part actively on social media and share your posts to promote your blog/site on Facebook,Google+,Twitter and other social medial big places.You can also install the bookmark plugins of social media on your websites to increase visitors on your website.

6: Guest Blogging
 You can also promote your website by writing a guest post on other prominent blogs.Writing for other popular blogs in you niche will help you to generate a lot of traffic for your Blog.You can include the link at the end of your guest post on other website and it will help you to get more visitors on your website.You can search for list of popular blogs which allow guest blogging on Google.

7:Proper Keywords
You should use proper keywords according to the description of your website in order to increase the page rank and popularity of your company on Google to get many visitors of your blog/website.Your website is about the ads of real estate then you should use the keywords like real estate ads,to get many original visitor from Google in your website and your site ranking better if your keywords are according to type of your website description and post title.

8: Link Exchange Website
You can use link exchange websites which ask you to click on their website links and in reward give many unique traffic in your website.You can use also these websites to register your website there free and get free many unique visitors for free as bonus of signup.

9: Writing Articles
You can promote your website and get hits for free by writing article for different article website like ehow and can write article on these website and place link of your website in the from of backlinks.People will read your articles and they will get your website.

10: Using Forums and Discussion Websites
You can also promote your website by taking part in discussion on various forums.You can place link of your blog/website in discussion posts of these discussion on forums .It is very simple way to promote your website free
