Pour 200ml water over the cumin seeds, and boil for 15 minutes. In the 15 minutes, your mixture should turn thick and black, very textured kind of like wet coffee grounds. Strain the mixture and add the remaining 50 ml of water, and bring back to a rolling boil. Add the 1 Tbsp of liquor.

Take 1 Tbsp every 30 minutes, after two hours you should begin to feel relief, and after 4, all of the symptoms should be gone.
How to Cure a Sore Throat and Tonsillitis in Just 2 Hours

Our ancestors had extensive experience in the treatment of various diseases and they knew effective recipes for healing them. People passed all those recipes from one generation to another – and therefore, they came to us.
Because, first of all, everything that is good and helpful – is never forgotten.
Here we suggest another highly effective recipe for the treatment of sore throat and tonsils, which guarantees a fast recovery, in easier cases – in only 4 hours!
A drink for sore throat and tonsils – the recipe:
Pour 200 ml of water over 80 g of ground caraway seeds (kimmel, common caraway, lat. Carum carvi) and boil it for 15 minutes.
You will get a thick elastic mass, which is similar to coffee grounds.
Strain it and add 50 ml of water and boil it again.
Remove it from the heat and add 1 tablespoon of cognac (or brandy).
Your medicine is ready!
How to consume the drink
Drink one tablespoon of it on every 30 minutes.
After only 2 hours, the pain in the throat will start to disappear and you will be able to swallow easily.
After 4 hours you can end the treatment.
You can drink it for a longer period, in more severe cases.
03 Feb 2015