Some months back I published a search engine friendly blogger template, which is a Wordpress class template and was premium too.
Do remember, that the template I am going to giveaway for free was a premium template. The reason I am giving it for free is that many blogger users, who weren't able to spend money on templates wanted it for free.

The name of this template is "The Thriller Template", yeah, it's thrilling and don't look like a dull blogger template. Not only it's good with the looks but also for search engine optimization, the process of creating this template wasn't limited just to designing the front-end look, the work was divided into two parts, one was to design it's look and other was to optimize it for search engine and yes, hours of our hardwork will give you an instant ranking on search engines.


Note: Search engine optimization in templates is not considered as a feature.
The list of features of this template is long and we have previously listed it on this page

Search Engine friendly, how?

There's no magic charm to make a template or layout search engine friendly, what we do is learn how search engine works and set the layout according to webmaster guidelines by Google. It includes using the correct heading tags for post titles, limiting the number of particular heading on a page and placing ads at it's correct place.

It is believed that WordPress blogs are better in terms of search engine optimization, but did anyone tried to know why ? It's because of there huge theme store where themes are kept up-to date according to the current web standards, there's no other reason, rest depends on your content. So even you using a template on your blogger with latest web standards used into, you can make your blog show up great on Google, Yahoo and other search engines.
14 Aug 2015